
Akash Nair M S
2 min readMay 11, 2020
Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

Every time Apple launches a new model in its iPhone product line, fans all over the world, especially in the US, follow a time-honored tradition; lining up outside the Apple Store at least 24 hours before the official launch. Unquestionably, it is a true testament to Apple’s brand value, but there is another factor in play: neomania- obsession with the new.

Between the launch dates of the iPhone X and the iPhone 11, there was a ~2-year gap. A quick comparison between the two models reveal the absence of radical improvements in the iPhone 11. Except for a small percentage, the majority who waited to purchase the new model were people who owned a previous version. Yet, people thronged to the stores, primarily to satisfy their neomania.

It is not just Apple fans who are guilty of neomania, but most of us are conscious or unconscious proponents of it. We are living in a period marked by rapid advancements in technology, and it is difficult to not fall for the shiny new item. It is a worthwhile undertaking to check our online shopping history to understand the number of times we fell for impulsive buying because of neomania.

This fixation is not only hard on our pocket, but it affects our well-being and the dynamics of some of our relationships. It isn’t uncommon for anyone from my generation to hear from their elders about how millennials are terrible at sustaining a relationship. In all honesty, despite having legitimate reasons for leaving a relationship or a marriage, the previous generation strived to keep it going.

This is difficult for the present generation to accept, especially, since there are strains of neomania in most people. After the honeymoon period ends, it is natural for most couples to get bored with each other, and unless significant efforts are made towards sustaining the relationship, the exit strategy, fuelled by neomania is bound to happen.

One of the top reasons for relationships crumbling has been infidelity. Nurturing a relationship is work and it is easy for couples to feel dissatisfied with each other after a certain time. If the dissatisfaction is not addressed through effective communication, the craze for novelty and the thrill-seeking tendencies are bound to take over. This means a lookout for the next person!

It is no surprise veterans in organizations are reducing in numbers, and it can be attributed to the shiny object syndrome that drives most people to look for the next job at the first sign of boredom or trouble!

The throw-away society built on radical consumerism has certainly shifted our focus to short-lived experiences and products. In a way, this is also a pandemic and it is important to find a personal vaccination.

